The Flowers in the Gutter by K.R. Gaddy

Title: Flowers in the Gutter

Author: K.R. Gaddy

Rating: 5/5

The Flowers in the Gutter by K.R. Gaddy
Genre: Non-fiction

Review: Jean, Fritz and Gertrud are part of the Edelweiss Pirates, a group of teenagers who resisted the Nazis during World War II. The story of the teenage resistance is a little-known story that deserves to be better known. Providing images and information, this book will teach you all about the Edelweiss Pirates and their harrowing experiences with the Nazis. Switching perspectives of Fritz, Jean, and Getrud, you will hear true stories of perseverance and bravery. 

Although I rated this book 5/5, it is hard to enjoy reading a book about such a terrible time in our history. Even though this book is difficult and upsetting to read, learning about the Halocaust is very important. I highly recommend Flowers in the Gutter

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