The Finest Hours by Micheal J. Tougias and Casey Sherman

 Title: The Finest Hours

Author: Micheal J. Tougias and Casey Sherman

Genre: Informational Text

Rating: 4.5/5

Review: Two ships at sea. A blizzard strikes. A great rescue happens.

On February 18, 1952, a violent nor'easter split two oil tankers in half. The names of the ships were the Pendleton
and the Fort Mercer, and they were only 20 miles away from each other. Out of the 84 members aboard, 70 would be saved and the other 14 would be swallowed by the waves! When the seas turn against you, can you survive? 

The story of the rescue of the Pendleton and Fort Mercer is one of heroism and bravery. Over 20 people risked their lives to save the Pendleton and the Fort Mercer. The author weaves facts into the story without boring the reader with dry data. I enjoyed how the author switched perspectives and yet still told the story of both ships completely. Overall, this is a good read, if a bit short. I recommend this book.

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